Why reviewing your existing marketing regularly will help drive the success in marketing your small business

If you’re a business that has dabbled in marketing in some way, shape or form, it’s always great to take a look at how this activity, either strategy or tactics, has impacted your business.

As an investment in your business, your marketing should be working for you, not against you or be hindering your business. Without taking a good look at what’s working and what isn’t, you could be throwing away good money after bad.

If, for example, you have a website, are you explicit about what makes you different to the competition and is it reflected on your website? Does the message “you send” to people visiting your website match up to what your business is great at and why you’re different to the competition? If a customer is going to your website, there must be a needs match for the customer to buy from you or engage in some way. Is your ideal audience coming to your website and are they seeing and feeling what they came to your website for in the first place? You don't want to be investing money to drive people to your website to have them bitterly disappointed once they arrive.

If we talk other marketing tactics, are we consistent across all of them? Imagine you’re a builder, you have signage on your building site, you have brochures that you put in letterboxes, and you have a website. Are they all singing the same song and sending a consistent message? It’s all but impossible for people to remember you if you’re not consistent across all your marketing. And be sure to ask yourself, which of these is working to help me achieve my business objectives?

As you do invest in marketing, be sure to take the measurement approach of what is working and what isn’t through the eyes of an accountant. Your accountant is more than just the team that does your lodgment to the ATO, but rather an advisor that can guide if your goals are transparent and you’re both aligned. Over a period of time, there’s no doubt they’ll be able to see whether the marketing approach, strategy of tactical, is having an impact on your numbers. The numbers always tell a story.

Not every bit of marketing is related specifically back or traceable, but you generally have a good idea, numbers wise, based on revenue or enquiry levels, as to whether your marketing is hitting its mark. I don’t think we’ve ever had 1 client who can’t tell, whether its revenue, enquires or website numbers, that marketing hasn’t had some type of positive impact on their business. There's generally a pretty obvious correlation between a structured approach to marketing and results.

I always use the analogy of going to the gym. If you go from doing no exercise ever in your life, to then doing some type of routine in your training and nutrition, then there’s 99% chance you are going to see some type of positive gain to how you look and feel.

By reviewing what you’re doing, what’s working and what’s not, it gives another platform to do more of what is working, tweak what isn’t and continue forward on your business journey. It’s a starting point in your marketing, (or your exercise and nutrition) and you know where to improve going forward. On that note, let’s talk structure and routine in your marketing.

Take your first steps towards driving growth and achieving your business objectives through our marketing consultants for small businesses. To learn more contact us here today.


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