Find 7 Hours to Create a marketing plan for your small business
As you and I both now, the number one obstacle for small business owners is time! Whether it’s dealing with customers, sorting out your I.T or dealing with the phone company because your internet has gone down, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day, week or year to do get ahead and on top of things.
Imagine however, you took an hour a day, for a week, to put aside all of those distractions, maybe got someone else to handle them, or reprioritised what was really important for your business, and you spent those 7 hours creating a marketing plan? WOW
You can’t tell me that you can’t find an hour in the day where you can focus, if you really wanted to, on creating some structure to your non-existent marketing activities, which will enable you the opportunity to improve and grow your business and start to push you ahead of the competition? One hour a day for a week? It’s not a lot to ask considering it will….
enable you the opportunity to improve and grow your business and start to push you ahead of the competition.
Little Marketing can help any business make a start on their marketing. Reaching out to our team will enable you to book a complimentary phone call with our senior marketers, who will sit down and have a chat with you about your business and its needs. Based on the information gathered from the chat, we'll be able to generate a tailored set of goals and marketing action points for you to take away. If you're looking for experienced marketing consultants for your small business to help you get your business in the public eye, you won't need to look any further than Little Marketing. To learn more about our services, click here.