Looking at your target audience, by our small business marketing consultant in Sydney
When you first start out as a small business, it is essential for you figure out who your target audience is as this is what shapes your brand into how it communicates in the future. So our small business marketing consultant in Sydney will tell you how to find it.
Finding your target audience is actually quite simple once you know what you’re looking for and our marketing consultants in Sydney have narrowed it down to 3 steps:
• Where they live – Geography plays a big part in figuring out the location of your target audience, as this also provides you with information on a range of other factors (social class, income, interests etc.)
• What they read – it is crucial to understand the type of media they are into, as this gives you insight for what you will do to pitch your products to them
• Characteristics – What are the defining traits that everyone in your target audience shares? This information allows for you to see their reactions to different types of media
Now that you know how to define your target audience, it is essential for you to get it right. Our Sydney marketing consultant is always here to help you figure it out!
Feel free to get in contact with our small business marketing consultant in Sydney with any enquiries that you may have.