Tips for generating engaging content, our small business marketing consultants in Sydney
Do you ever think about your competition and how their online content compares with yours? Well if you think that their content might be better, our small business marketing consultants in Sydney have some tips on how to create engaging content for your target audience.
Small business marketing can be tricky and you want to ensure that the content your produce is relevant yet engaging at the same time. That’s why it is important to be on top of the trends and stand out, here are our content creations tips when marketing for a small business:
• Diversify your content
• Create content that is easily readable, so use subheadings and make it easy for people to find the information they are looking for
• Remember to write for your readers not for the search engine
• Don’t overlook keywords, be sure they are used in ways that have the ability to keep your reader on track
• Come up with interesting titles for your content
• Always make it shareable to all avenues of social media
• Provide your audience with facts and links to relevant sources that can ultimately help them
• Don’t forget to add Call to Action’s
Our tips might be simple, yet most of the small business marketing we see don’t effectively put these use. So it is important to utilise all aspects of your content.
Feel free to contact our small business marketing consultant in Sydney with any enquiries you may have.