Marketing Consultancy Melbourne with a few easy blog post topic ideas
When it comes to small business, our marketing consultants understand just how important regular blogging is. Studies now tell us that companies with blog posts get up to 55% more web traffic and that number goes up exponentially whether you post once a week, twice a week or several times a day. We advise our clients to blog as often as they can, whilst ensuring that the content is valuable to their prospects.
Let’s start with Tips & Tricks and How-To’s – Being the owner of a small business, you most likely have expertise in your field, so tell your readers something they probably don’t know, making sure it’s useful and the information you provide is practical. People are curious about how to do things and the way that others do them – it’s human nature. This is your chance to convince readers that you know what you are talking about and chances are they will look to you when they need more helpful advice.
Client Testimonials and Case Studies are certainly great to add to a blog. Ask your happiest customers for testimonials and create a blog post about them, quoting their positive experiences and demonstrating how you helped them. Make sure you add their picture to the blog along with any other snaps that may demonstrate to your customers the level of camaraderie you share with them. Case Studies can be very powerful, allowing your readers to learn more about your product or service and how it can actually help them.
Top 10 Lists and Poll Results–Believe it or not, your opinion matters, and clients want to know what you think. Use the latest industry info you have to make up a top 10 or top 5 even. This gets people talking, especially when you link it to social media. The same goes for poll results. You probably survey your customers regularly throughout the year so grab some data and write about the good things you find out. Hopefully these tips from our small business marketing consultants will help you on your way to becoming an expert blogger.
Although it can seem daunting at first, the more you write the easier it gets and in no time you will love it. If you need further marketing advice for your small business in Melbourne, contact one of our Melbourne marketing consultants today.