What does social media means in marketing for small businesses in Sydney?
Social medias are probably one of the few platforms that are open 24/7, 365 days in a year, unless the Internet breaks down. Due to its flexibility, businesses can communicate with customers with the use of pictures, infographics, videos, and words with colours as well as maximum creativity. It provides information in real-time and accessibility by anyone in the globe that has Internet connectivity. Social medias also have the ability to “redirect” customers to businesses’ e-store, website (by including external URL links) or even stimulate them to visit a physical store (by including addresses of sale outlets).
They are also great tools that can provide small businesses with insightful information such as users demographics, monthly active users, daily new “likes” and even “unlikes”. Demographics are key information to capture as it tells a business whom their customers are, how much are they willing to pay and where do they want to buy.
Another amazing feature of social media, especially Facebook, is that, they captures personal information of their users and recommends pages to like as well as advertising that users might like or be interested in. With this feature, small businesses are able to gain more exposure to potential customers. More exposure also means more potential sales.
Most businesses are missing many opportunities to engage customers across social networks and a missed opportunity means lost revenue. Even when a customer posts about a bad customer experience, businesses should reply as a missed opportunity like this cost businesses revenue in the short term and damage brands in the long term.
Customers are more informed and have more choices than ever before, so if their expectations are not met, they will move on quickly. However, if you can engage them, you are their default buying choice. They're loyal, and with social media, they “share” your company to hundreds of people in seconds.
With technology advancements, increasing smartphone ownership, social networking websites and apps, such as Facebook and Twitter, people are spending more time online from socializing to searching for information. Small businesses should grab every possible point of contact with customers for their businesses to sustain and grow profitability.