Mobile opportunities for Sydney and Australian small business marketing
Data that Sensi has released shows that small businesses in Sydney and across Australia are the ones to get their hands on smart phones and tablets first. Is this really a surprise?
According to the report, “96% of Australians are now online and the proportion accessing the internet via a tablet increased to 50% and 68% via a smartphone”.
“The number of SME’s that have optimised their websites for mobile devices has almost doubled to 17% in the past year, up from 9% in 2012, and 5% in 2011,” says report author Christena Singh.
So what does all of this mean for small business? Well I think we all know, if you haven’t been living in a cave for the past couple of years, that as users of the technology, we are the “insta” people. We don’t like to wait for anything and we want it all yesterday. Is our small business thinking the same way and are we adapting our business and our small business marketing to this way of life?
Don’t get caught behind the times and technology, move your brand with it.