PROFIT FIRST Your first step in making your Australian small business profitable
You can imagine I’m speaking with small businesses every day and in our discussions around marketing for small business, the one question I’m asking them is how committed are they to make the business profitable. The next question is how committed are they to their marketing and are they creating consistency in the frequency of the activity that they’re creating. Whether that’s through social platforms, emails out to their database, knocking on doors, letterbox drops – there are so many options out there for small businesses from a marketing activity perspective. It comes back to how committed they are to see their business succeed, and that’s the question they need to ask themselves.
CREATE IMPACT in your Australian small business marketing with these 3 tips!
Another great example of resilience and persistence today was speaking to a client who has never done marketing before and the advice initially was to take a modest approach to their marketing until they start to see some traction and then we will up the ante. It’s been about 3 months and they’re starting to see some traction and change with the level of inquiry. Clients will often ask us how quickly will we start to see an impact or when are we going to see a revenue increase. They key to consistency and the key to start in a modest approach, you start to see what’s working and what’s not. Tweaking and fixing marketing is a long game that you need to stay true to and at any time you can tweak or change things, depending on how things are tracking. The key is persistence, they key is resilience and they key is taking action.
How to marketing your small business retail store in Australia
With a huge influx of online stores, the traditional bricks and mortar store gets a bad rap, but there are so many tool that allow the retailer to marketing their business. What do I mean by that? When you walk past or are in a retail store, you’ll notice they’ve got a big piece of software on their counter and that’s not only to collect money but it also allows them to collect data from their customers. Things like phone numbers and email addresses. That software also allows retailers to market to their customers and remarket to their customers. They key to collecting that information in your store is to then remarket to your customers on a regular basis. Your customers may not need you today, tomorrow or next week but when the time comes, if you’ve been marketing to them on a regular basis, then you have a higher chance of being found over the competition.
The team here at Little Marketing have been working with small business owners for over 16 years and helping them in this approach. If you're looking for a consultative approach to your small business marketing, then speak with our team today.