2 areas to make your Australian small business marketing great!
2 areas to make your small business marketing great!
As you know we recently launched our online course in marketing your small business. The thing I love about this course is that it’s built on the back of our proven process that we’ve been following with our clients for over 17 years. There’s 2 key elements of this course that you can do at your own pace that makes it essential for a small business owner. The first is our 10-step process to create a positioning and a point of difference for your business. We live in such an overcommunicated and cluttered society, so creating that point of difference for any business is so important and making sure that you are consistent in communicating that point of difference. The second, given business owners are so busy, we take you through a process to create a marketing and timing plan, this makes sure that all of the activities that you’re proposing to help your business succeeded, we put them into a plan and structure. It also allows you to budget out for the rest of the year as well. So jump on to our website and register today!
Here’s how to easily EARN PLENTY MORE in your small business marketing in Australia
One thing I see with a lot of small business owners is they try to be too smart for their own good. They use their own industry jargon to explain to people what it is that they do and why they’re different. People just do not have the time to sit and decipher clever words, sentences or phrases to understand how you’re going to help them. Like our book title, Small Business DECLUTTERED, the message that you’re putting out there to the marketplace needs to be so simple so that you can cut through to people and so they do know what it is that you do and why you’re different. Then you need to make sure that message is consistent over and over again. Every client thinks that their customer or their client is different and that they need to speak a different language. Keep your language super simple so people know exactly what you do and why you’re different to the competition and how it is that you’re going to help them. Simple, concise language, straight to the point is going to be a way for you to cut through in the over communicated world that we live in.
What blows me away so much, is when I see small business owners invest hundreds of thousands in the investment startup of their business, whether it’s equipment or a retail fit out. It’s done and all set up and then they’re wondering where their first customer is coming from versus taking a step back when they’re setting up their business and wondering what does the investment look like for marketing and how am I going to bring in that first lot of customers? What does that investment look like from a time, money, energy and skill perspective? Because you can spend hundreds of thousands in fitting out your store, buying business equipment, buying building equipment but once all of that is done, if you have no customers and you’ve got no revenue coming in, where is the profit coming from? Remember you started your business to create a profit, not so that your store looks good and no one visits. Consider where your marketing sits in the totality of your business to make sure that you start to drive profits forward from day one of when your business begins.
The team here at Little Marketing have been working with small business owners for over 16 years and helping them in this approach. If you're looking for a consultative approach to your small business marketing, then speak with our team today.