The meaning of positioning in marketing for small business and how it positively impacts business revenue
In this article, let’s briefly discuss the meaning of positioning in marketing for small business and how it positively impacts business revenue.
As a small business owner, I understand that the key focus for your business is all about driving revenue and sales, and so it should be.
Clients who we speak with daily conclude that marketing has 1 of 2 objectives or a combination of them - driving revenue and or making them look good. So, what is the correlation between marketing and sales when we look at things from a small business perspective?
Let’s start with your business and your brand. Day 1. No customers, no revenue. All you have is a business name and an offering of some sort.
The way you “position” your business and your brand – what you do, why you’re different to the competition and who you do it for – is all your have. It’s this positioning that you’re then going to be communicating or marketing to the outside world. That’s all you have. At this point, you’re not driving a sale, you’re just communicating.
It's then the tools that you use to communicate this positioning that can then help your drive sales. So first, brand, then it’s positioning, then how we communicate it, then sales.
Can you now see the importance of positioning? If you don’t have a positioning, what are you communicating?
We see so many people waste time and money doing it all in reverse and wonder why their “marketing” isn’t working.
They’ve spent thousands on Google AdWords or “boosting” their Instagram posts and wonder why there’s crickets. It’s the simple cart before the horse mentality. Businesses want to just get out there but being out there doesn’t equal success. Communicating to the outside world a strong positioning with less competition gives you a much higher chance of succeeding.
What are you communicating to the outside world? What makes your different? Why should they choose you over the competition? It all comes back to how you’re positioning yourself (or not) in the minds of your customers.
Get your positioning right, communicate it, then the sales activities can work.
If you're looking for an experienced and adept marketing consultant for your small business to help you get your business in the public eye, you won't need to look any further than Little Marketing. Contact us here, we can’t wait to hear from you!