Contingency planning with your small business marketing consultant in Sydney
We know that marketing plans are the blueprints of overall marketing strategies and are developed with the purpose of achieving particular outcomes. But what happens if the outcome post implementation is not planned for - yet directly impacts the effectiveness of business operations? At our small business marketing consultancy in Sydney, we want our clients to be prepared for such unprecedented instances, and thus expand our services to offer contingency planning.
A contingency plan, also known as risk analysis or Plan B, is created to tackle “what-if” scenarios, i.e. for unintended outcomes, that pose risk to your small business operations. In the real world, businesses cannot control or influence their external business environment (inclusive of MACRO & MESO factors). This is the prime reason why some competent strategies, with strong implementation potential, can fail. Hence, it is of utmost importance that all Sydney small businesses undertake contingency planning, with assistance from a Sydney marketing consultant for small businesses.
Through our consults, you can expect a fully functional contingency plan, that is built on the foundation of seven elements. First, we will help pinpoint the assumption regarding what the outcome of the original marketing plan will be and determine the likelihood of success. Next, we will identify the risk (or threat) that can potentially emerge within the external environment, recognise the severity of its impact and the determine the trigger for action (the occurrence that confirms an oncoming risk). Taking all this into account, your Sydney small business marketing consultant will the develop a step-by-step response guide and implementation action plan.
Start your contingency planning process today! Call 02 9700 1869.