Tips on sending email blasts without getting blacklisted, by our small business marketing consultant in Sydney
Random email blasts do seem like a good thing to do at the time, but you need to take into consideration a whole range of factors that could backfire. So our small business marketing consultant in Sydney has some tips on sending email blasts without the repercussions.
Marketing for small businesses can be effective when done properly and to the right target audience, especially when it comes to emails. So here are our tips on email blasts:
• Did you know that you have the ability to check if someone has added you to his or her block list online? Well it is important to be aware of this and if you see that black mark then you know that something needs to change
• Be sure to only email blast recipients who are opted into your emails
• Never send attachments in your emails
• Be sure to remove all inactive users from your email list
• Use an authentic online emailing service for you to send out these email blasts
It is crucial for you to get your communications correct the first time to ensure that you avoid these kinds of complications. If you need any marketing advice for small businesses, then our consultants are the right people for you.
Feel free to get in contact with our small business marketing consultants in Sydney with any enquiries you may have.