Small business marketing company in Melbourne on elevating your brand
Your current customers love your work, but your business still seems to fall off the radar. Once you’ve been charged with a project, doing business is easy. The hard part seems to be getting true demand for or awareness of your company. You’ve got the brochures, website, company cars and even a social media presence - so what can you do?
Here, our small business marketing consultants in Melbourne share 5 tips to help you to elevate your brand:
1. Think outside the box.
Most small business brands are ordinary. They fit in, typically with tired artwork and recycled concepts. Think outside the box! No one thinks that a hammer icon for a builder is original - if that’s what you have then how can you expect your customers to believe you offer something the others don’t?
2. Delivery is key.
Do the services your business provides match the perception your brand delivers? Our small business marketing consultants in Melbourne explain that people will pay a premium for services as long as they believe they’re being sold something from a premium vendor.
3. Your brand is an investment.
Why get someone to design a logo when your cousin can do it for free? This kind of simplistic approach to your business’s brand is hurting you more than you realise. Branding is an investment, not a cost. Do it right once, and you’ll yield the maximum ROI.
4. Keep it consistent. Your brand must not only work well on your website, but also on every other place it will appear. Your brand will live on many different mediums, and each will present its own challenges. You must ensure to use you brand across all that you do, from your stationary, to your letters, emails, ads and social media posts.
5. Make them remember you.
Great brands have an element that resonates with people and makes them more memorable. Be something unique and that the viewer hasn’t seen a thousand times before—you’ll have a much better chance of them remembering you.
Over the years, our small business marketing consultants in Melbourne have shown many small businesses how they can grow their business, simply by working to elevate their brand.
Contact the team at Little Marketing to find out how we can help to grow your small business.