Small business marketing consultants Melbourne with a few tips on how to increase your customer base through social media
As a small business owner, you dream about consistent growth and you are almost always on the hunt for new customers. If you are not always on the look out for new business, your business could certainly remain stagnant and what better way to find new customers than via social media.
If Facebook is the only social media platform that you are using in 2016, its definitely time to add another. Sure, it will depend on who you are targeting, but look into the options that suit your target audience and you will certainly find one to suit. Whether it’s Linked In, Instagram, Pinterest or Snapchat, always keep in mind that "content is your currency". Post regular, relevant and information rich content, ensuring that on each social media business page your business looks professional and contains consistent branding.
Why not offer an exclusive promotion for customers or link to a daily deal site, for those who visit your website. Our small business marketing consultants Melobourne, recommend to offer them to sign up to your customer base on the spot and then provide them with a special discount code. You can then promote this through your email contacts or social media accounts.
When it comes to a special offer, or any post that has the potential to create particular interest in your product, it’s certainly a good idea to promote your post via social media advertising to drive specifically targeted customers your way.
Utilising social media platforms will certainly help to drive more business your way. If you would like more information on how social media marketing can help your business, contact our expert small business marketing consultants, Melbourne.