Small business marketing consultants explain recent changes to Facebook pages
As a small business with a Facebook page, you may have noticed a change in the layout of your page over the past few days. For some of you, your page may look great, but for others, your banner and certain elements may need some minor adjustments.
The great news is that the reason for this layout change is that Facebook is following Google and removing the right hand side advertising from business desktop pages all together.
Further to removing these ads, Facebook are separating the profile photo from the cover photo as well as moving the navigation menu to the left side of the page and replacing right side ads with information boxes. It is believed that these ads are not generating enough revenue for Facebook to continue with. Facebook has fewer desktop ad impressions than it used to, and its likely that they will focus more on news feed ads, which rake in more money per ad that the right hand, desktop do.
By removing these ads the advantage is that Facebook pages will be noticeably less crowded, allowing freed up room to make Pages more of a defined hub for businesses, publishers, celebrities and other organisations.
If you require advice on how to make social media work for your business, contact our small business marketing consultants Melbourne.