Small business marketing consultant in Melbourne - how Google works?
According to comScore, 67% of all monthly searches are occurring on Google. So that means if you are on Google, the chances of people clicking into your business website is more than other search engines.
Google+ allows you to connect with your customers, share content with them and in hopefully, they will share you too. It helps to boost your website’s SEO, make your Google maps listing more “solid” and useful for searchers. Be active on Google+ will help to optimize Google+ local listing too, which is a crucial part of your SEO strategy.
On Google maps, users are able to add places to their “favourites” and write reviews. Based on their “favourites”, Google will recommend similar places. Other than that, the more active you are on Google+, the more you can influence local search results by boosting positive fan engagement.
The importance of reviews on Google should never be ignored. Reviews on Google+ will appear on Google map listings on the search results page. Thus, make sure you encourage your happy customers to read reviews for you! Remember to suggest a few keywords for your customers to use while reading reviews as it helps in Google ranking as well.
Based in Sydney and Melbourne, Little Marketing has about a decade of experiences working with small business clients from diversified backgrounds and needs. Contact us soon for any marketing help for your small business!