Marketing consultants leading you to the new wave
As marketing consultants for small business we stay up to date with all the latest media news. The most recent news that we think is important to share with you is that Fairfax Media will switch from broadsheet to compact-sized formats in two weeks.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald website, the publisher expects the redesign to result in a short-term lift in sales of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age during the launch period but concedes that it will not ‘‘completely turn around our fortunes on the circulation front’’.
The Saturday editions of the two metropolitan newspapers will remain unchanged.
However, Fairfax, publisher of this website, plans to switch them to compact formats within the next year when it closes its two biggest printing facilities at Chullora in Sydney and Tullamarine in Melbourne, and shifts the publishing of the newspapers to regional sites.
The new changes will also have two new sections. Pulse – encompassing health, science and personal wellbeing – will appear in The Age on Mondays and the Herald on Thursdays. The Shortlist will replace the Metro section and appear on Fridays, including an in-depth planner of weekend events.
As Sydney marketing consultants these changes don’t come as a surprise as print media needs to make changes to keep up with online media avenues. These changes will surely always be changing as technology is constantly evolving.