Sydney marketing consultants take their hats off to great brand strategies


According to Marketing Magazine, Coca Cola is number one for the thirteenth year in a row on the list of Interbrand’s Best Global Brands.

But this may all come to and end in 2013 if Apple continues to grow as rapidly as it has been over the past couple of years.

Marketing Magazine has stated the value of Apple is at US$76.6 billion, $1.2 billion behind Coca-Cola, Apple’s worth grew by 129% over the past year, according to the brand consultancy, which takes a more conservative view of brand as a long term asset than rival top brand measure Millward Brown’s BrandZ. 

Apple’s continued success is due to their building upon new brands with their existing name, Apple. For example, if you buy an Apple Mac computer, you need Apple Mac software to be able to have programs such Word and Excel or if you have an Apple iPod you need an Apple branded dock to play the music through speakers. The entire Apple brand is growing by building on the existing name and linking every accessory and tool to one another.

As small business marketing consultants we value great marketing strategies and campaigns. Apple’s success is to be highly respected as it is a very strategic way on helping a brand and its business grow.

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