Small business marketing objectives
Over the next couple of months, as a small business marketing consultant, I will be speaking to a large number of small businesses about small business marketing at various small forums and conferences. I'm often asked "well Michael, what topics will you talk about?".
I think one of the critical points to discuss with small business who haven't really had marketing communication as a part of their business previously, or any small business for that matter, is to put a small business marketing plan together. Yes, specifically for your small business, tailored for your small business.
The plan doesn't have to be an infinite number of pages, it just has to be targeted and to the point. What's the objective of my activity, how will I execute it, what will it cost me and what's my expected return? As a small business marketing consultant based in Sydney, I often see small business marketing activity as an ad hoc part of business without any real plan or focus.
Take the time to be planned before it all ends in tears.