Raine and Horne Miranda

Business name: Raine and Horne Miranda

Business type: Real Estate
Business location: Miranda

Website: www.rhmiranda.com.au
Phone: (02) 9525 407

Strategic Objective

Raine & Horne Miranda's objective was to create a perception and new style of messaging in the stale and cluttered real estate market of the Sutherland Shire. Ultimately, a modern and fresh twist to communicating with their clients was sought.

What did we do?

Together with Raine and Horne Miranda, Little Marketing recommended that the messaging should be focused on the client’s needs and expectations in the sales and property management market. This would create a point of difference for RHM in their region.

Over a number of meetings, Little Marketing and Raine and Horne created a uniqueness in their communication to focus on the real estate client. With the experience of dealing with a real estate agent quite often being painful and unrewarding, RHM shifted their messaging to focus on the outcomes for their clients instead of their office and its people. This uniqueness provided a platform for RHM in its sales techniques and its general communication with potential clients.


Given the new messaging, RHM has created a new look and feel across its business. All of RHM’s marketing collateral including their website, brochures, drop-off booklets, newsletters and corporate profile have all been redesigned to be inline with their new focus.

As a result of these changes, RHM has seen a number of its performance measures increase in this time with feedback provided by new real estate clients directly related to the changes.

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