Commercial Property Valuers

Business name: Commercial Property Valuers
Business type: 
 Sydney's expert in commerical property valuations
Business location: Miranda
Phone: (02) 8536 7900

Client testimonial

"We now work with Little Marketing on a regular basis as we were very satisfied with the results they achieved for our business. I never imagined how powerful the meaning of your brand and positioning is and Michael and his team have allowed us to be positioned as the experts in what we do, which has helped us grow."

James Bouteris - Director, Commercial Property Valuers

Strategic Objective

Commercial Property Valuers wanted to find a way to communicate their business and the services they provide in a smart and strategic way to stand apart from their competition. They wanted to reach a larger audience and bring further exposure in the over populated property market.

What did we do?

Little Marketing held a strategy session where information was gathered that best described exactly what Commercial Property Valuers did and what they want to communicate to their target market. Little Marketing assisted in branding and communicating Commercial Property Valuer’s message in an effective manner through various mediums.


Little Marketing was successful in building awareness of the business through various marketing efforts. Through creating a simplified message and communicating it regularly they were able to break through the niche market to be one of the top recognised commercial valuers in Sydney.

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